What Is the Story?

I looked in the window as I crossed the street from the parking lot. I did one of those double-take looks. I would swear I saw Elvis sitting at one of the tables in the bookstore’s coffee shop. I tried not to stare as I found a table near the magazines. Sure enough, the guy [...]

When My Writing Haunts Me…

As J. B. Jamison, I write fiction stories that are based on issues that exist in the real world and that present what I see as real, potential risks. Working on the first three novels, I have become more aware of the reality that some of the people around me face every day. I learned [...]

By |2019-04-10T14:51:07+00:00January 11th, 2019|Distraction, General, J. B. Jamison, Writing Fiction|0 Comments

How Do You Write: Update!

It has been far too long since I've posted here. I have been spending my time following Emily Graham around as she tackles her latest adventure, Disbelief,  coming later this Spring. As I've worked on this third book in the series, I realized that I ought to add something to my last post about how [...]

By |2019-04-10T14:50:14+00:00January 10th, 2019|Dibelief, J. B. Jamison, Uncategorized, Writing Fiction|0 Comments

QUESTION: How do you write?

As I meet with book clubs, library groups, school groups, doing presentations and just talking about my writing, I really enjoy hearing and responding to the questions that everyone asks. I thought I would start sharing a few of those now and then. I'll start putting them here in our blog along with a link [...]

Having A Good Day!

We're excited! Lots going on today! I am working on the illustrations next Skwerdlock book for young readers and listeners, and making progress on the third Emily Graham book...working title of "Disbelief". Yes, I seem to have a "thing" for titles that begin with "Dis..." And...and...today officially kicks-off our new relationship with JKS Communications in [...]

Question: JB, with the theme of Distraction, aren’t you afraid of giving bad people ideas?

Nope. I’m not that smart. From my research I can honestly say that I’ve not presented anything that hasn’t already been thought of by hackers, and in most cases, already been done. Update: 4/19 Looking back, my response to this question seems a bit weak. Let me add a bit. I wondered about this question [...]

By |2019-04-10T14:46:06+00:00June 29th, 2018|Distraction, General, J. B. Jamison, Writing Fiction|0 Comments
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