Having A Good Day!

We're excited! Lots going on today! I am working on the illustrations next Skwerdlock book for young readers and listeners, and making progress on the third Emily Graham book...working title of "Disbelief". Yes, I seem to have a "thing" for titles that begin with "Dis..." And...and...today officially kicks-off our new relationship with JKS Communications in [...]

Hooked By A Book!

I believe it was around the fifth grade when it happened. We had to go into the school library and pick a book to read for an assignment. I was not enthused. Oh, I read a lot...my stack of comic books was the envy of all who saw it. But a "book"? My teacher sensed [...]

By |2017-07-07T22:39:15+00:00July 7th, 2017|General, J. B. Jamison, Pops Jamison, Writing Fiction|2 Comments

Now On Kindle!

What can you do when you love to paint everything, but your dog just loves to run? A fun story for earlier listeners and early readers. I really enjoy seeing nicely done illustrations in books. However, one of the goals of this book is to show that you don’t have to be a professional artist [...]

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